Organizing training programmes, short term courses, in-house coaching exercises to address problem solving, troubleshooting, advocacy for green growth etc, publish journals, case studies and support research projects toward achieving this mission
Develop and recognize the proficiency and talent base of our mission leaders in the industry and government towards achieving a sustainable growth paradigm by imparting the requisite training, exposure and custom support which will help them to access excellence in their performance. Foster green technologies and promote low carbon strategies for economic growth in construction, chemical processing, energy development, waste disposal etc
We are a team of performance improvement professionals having extensive expertise in the public and private sector in India. We aspire to transform contemporary society adopting green technologies and thus reduce the carbon footprint.
Centre for Green Technology and Management (CGTM)
Phone: +91- 484 242 4253 , +91 9447154540
Email: cgtmkerala@gmail.com
Websie: www.cgtm.in